SEO Expert London & UK
I am Barry a SEO consultant who thrives on building strong, lasting relationships with clients throughout London and the UK.
I created Alchemy SEO in 2017 to provide local and national SEO services to businesses of all sizes in industries such as healthcare, wellbeing, law, to tradespeople and e-commerce companies.
I offer a competitive hourly rate or bespoke SEO packages to suit your requirements and organic marketing objectives.
Google Page 1 Examples
SEO Freelancer UK
As a specialist SEO freelancer, I have seen numerous algorithm updates.
I have worked with many companies in various industries in London and across the UK to achieve Google page one positions.
SEO Consultant London
I provide expert SEO services for businesses and organisations of all sizes in London and the United Kingdom.
SEO services range from website & SEO audits/strategies to on-page, technical, and off-page SEO, content writing and reporting.
Polonia Ladies Volleyball club
Barry has been instrumental in the development of our new website, that has enabled us to better promote and Market our volleyball club both in London and nationally.
The new website has provoked significant interest in our club and in particular our Junior Academy and Superleague Squad. Barry ensured essential information was included on our site via a ‘Keyword’ strategy so that the widest possible audience was reached.

He also ensured our site was vibrant and energetic in design to suit the nature and ethos of a sports organisation. Barry always worked to deadlines and consulted Senior Managers of the club on a regular basis to ensure needs were met. The new website continues to provoke interest in our club and also enabled us to meet an identified agenda item within our Club Development Plan.
I would recommend Barry to any individual client or organisation without hesitation as his work is efficient, time bonded and of a very high quality.
International Thai Foundation
Barry provided an excellent service in improving our website using WordPress. He not only listened to our needs but made great suggestions to further enhance the site especially in terms of SEO. He was very patient and courteous while we worked through our requirements, and was very fast to deliver the web design and SEO objectives

Search Engine Optimisation Q&A
What is SEO?
SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimisation which covers a broad area consisting of various principles and techniques. There are over 250 factors used by search engine algorithms to rank web pages in the SERPS or Search Engine Results Pages, hence a complex machine.
SEO is as important as PPC; however, SEO can raise awareness without the great expense of PPC campaigns. Although many ranking factors are involved, any size business can achieve Google page one positions within 3-6 months.
What is a Keyword?
A SEO specialist will use their expertise to conduct keyword research utilising software tools before embarking on a new SEO strategy.
Keyword research identifies the most beneficial keywords or phrases for your products, services, or information. The keywords equate to search terms potential visitors type in the search engines like Google and Bing.
Long-Tail Keywords?
These are less competitive keywords such as keywords that contain a specific location, product, or service.
These keywords or phrases are easier to take to Google page one and therefore, saving time and money, yet valuable for raising awareness.
Mid-Tail Keywords?
These are more competitive keywords (with higher monthly search volumes) such as keywords for some local and regional searches, products, services, brands, or product categories for example.
Mid-tail keywords or phrases require further expertise and therefore more time to achieve Google page one positions.
Short Tail Keywords?
Short-tail keywords or phrases are very competitive with much higher monthly search volumes.
For example, keywords for national or international listings, popular products, brands or services.
It can take longer to achieve Google page one positions for short-tail keywords; however, the awareness they raise and the ROI compared to PPC or paid advertising far outweighs the extra time.
Expert SEO Guide
Search Engine Optimisation is highly beneficial to attract more traffic or visitors to raise product/service/brand awareness and improve sales. The SEO landscape is constantly evolving bringing new challenges and levels of complexity. A SEO expert is highly proficient in on-site, technical, and off-site SEO principles and techniques.
There has been an enormous shift from SEO consultants or specialists utilising Black Hat techniques, hence the switch to White Hat SEO. SEO experts now use only White Hat techniques to avoid penalties imposed by Google.
Decoding the Terminology
The terminology involved in SEO is broad. As a result, to help people in this fascinating world, I have created a SEO blog. The blog articles discuss SEO terminology in a straightforward way, helping you to improve your SEO step by step.
Avoid Black Hat SEO
It is important to choose a SEO expert wisely not least because of Black or Grey Hat techniques. These techniques will damage your SEO strategy. Understanding the terms, Long-Tail, Mid-Tail, and Short-Tail keywords or phrases is also beneficial.
Content is Key
There have been several Google algorithm updates recently, one of which highlights that content remains a major key ranking factor. The text to code ratio checker is great to ensure your content outweighs the HTML/JavaScript etc. There are many free online tools, however for is useful and fast. The quality and volume of your content are key aspects of your SEO strategy.
Therefore, to help the search engine bots to semantically decode the meaning, correct HTML structure is key.
What’s a good strategy to harness the benefits of a mobile-first approach?
As a SEO consultant, here are some tips to help you with your mobile-first strategy:
- Responsive and optimised web design. Ensure your web pages load quickly, ideally under 3 seconds for mobile devices. There are many articles to help guide you through the process configuring the essential files to best help with website optimisation or for most CMS platforms search for a plugin or application to help you with this important process.
- Take a mobile first approach and think carefully about user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design.
- Well researched and quality content is key to engage with your audience, ensure your content adheres to Google’s quality guidelines.
SEO Specialist London
I have been providing expert SEO services in London since 2017 for companies and organisations in the first and third sectors. SEO is a very cost-effective way to raise awareness of your products or services in London without the constant expense of PPC campaigns.
As a consultant SEO covering London and the UK, I can successfully market your business or organisation online to a much wider audience.